Email Blast

What is an email blast?

A “blast email” (also called e-blast) is a single message sent to a large email list at once. It’s a simple and common email marketing strategy to raise awareness. Email blasts notify subscribers about events, announcements, updates, flash sales, and new product launches.

Emails blasts have been around since the early internet days, well before anti-spam regulations. This kind of mass email’s message is generic, which limits its effectiveness in today’s hyper-personalized world. Plus, the lack of personalization or regard for recipient preferences often makes blasts look like spam.

When done wrong, email blasts can affect your deliverability, open rate, click-through rate, conversions, spam complaints, and unsubscribe rate. When done right, it can entice newly engaged subscribers to take a small business off the ground, like a new ecommerce brand.

If you want the best email marketing campaign performance, follow these guidelines:

  • Learn about the hourly/daily sending limit of your email blast service (on average, 500 to 1000).
  • Use email list segmentation to send only to users who those who have subscribed.
  • Follow CAN-SPAM guidelines.
  • Create content outside of email blasts. Subscribers are more receptive to email blasts if they receive other valuable email.
  • Complement your marketing strategy with social media announcements.
  • Find the best email by A/B testing subject lines and email templates.
  • Use email blasts sparingly in your email marketing campaigns.
  • Avoid e-blasts to old email lists and new-domain addresses.
  • Limit your email to a short, simple message and one CTA.
  • Track metrics with reliable email marketing software.