Multiple streams without multiple headaches

One mail stream is complicated. Two gets dicey. What happens when you have dozens or hundreds? You use our platform to view every subaccount at a glance and manage with a suite of tools designed for senders like you.


More streams, less work

StreamMonitor allows you to monitor email performance across all subaccounts and offers issue priority scoring so you can identify accounts most in need of help first and receive next-step guidance within a few clicks.

Use a telescope at 10,000 feet

Our account-level dashboard puts all your subaccounts’ performance in one place at one time, so you can rank their urgency using our color-coded StreamScore. That level of visibility is unique to SocketLabs. We’re pretty proud about it.  

After finding troubling subaccounts, you can explore deeper to see individualized performance, from aggregate stats to delivery signals from specific providers. Go big, go small, go wherever you want.

Segment mail everywhere

Slice and dice your mail streams any way you choose. Want all transactional mail lumped together, regardless of which subaccount it originates from? You can do that. Want to split mail by StreamScore to keep certain senders with similar senders? Go on with your bad self.  

Manage your own reputation by making decisions about IP routing, segmentation, and more, all by creating automated rules without needing any code at all.
Use SocketLabs codeless UI to automate traffic shaping, IP pool management, and more
Email issues are broken down by category with next-step guidance on how to improve your issue.

Analyze and optimize in a flash

If you have a huge operation with multiple brands, having a team of data analysts can feel like a requirement. After all, do you have the time to pull reports, evaluate, strategize, and optimize every brand?   Data analysts are a nice-to-have. Our dashboard with fast, customizable views and performance-ranked streams with detailed insight in 5 clicks or less is…well, a need-to-have.

Our customers rock!

"SocketLabs is clearly driven by customer success and has become a trusted partner of"
"It was like a breath of fresh air having something that we could plug into in our environment, and make a few customizations, and be up and running in the blink of an eye."
"We should have transitioned a long time ago. With SocketLabs, we're not just a number. I've got the name of a person I can ring up if I've got a problem."
"We always want to be at the forefront of the marketing automation world, and SocketLabs helps us do that."
"We've been working together for at least 8 years, and we wouldn't trust anybody else with our email delivery."
Lindsay Willott
CEO, Customer Thermometer
"Ultimately, we realized that email is an incredibly specialized area requiring dedicated, expert resources. We saw vast improvement after switching to SocketLabs’ managed email service."

We have resources designed for you