Seeing your email performance is good, but it’s not enough. You need to know why you’re performing the way you are. That’s where SocketLabs Spotlight shines.
We’ll even let you try it for 90 days for free.
You can’t understand and solve an email performance problem unless you know you have one. Unfortunately, other reporting tools don’t make that easy to do.
SocketLabs’ Spotlight’s sending overview dashboard instantly surfaces unusual activity or general performance decline. Using custom filters and our color-coded indicators, you can quickly identify where you need to spend your time investigating.
From your StreamScore comes Guided Insights, which is where your mysteries can come to an end. We’ll be able to tell you where things are going wrong, and usually this points to a clear cause.
With just a few clicks, your general knowledge of an audience problem turns into a guided insight that your 20% bounce rate at Microsoft is likely due to an old or unclean list. Consider your case of the low audience score closed.
OK, the reality of email is that it isn’t always straightforward. Rules change, engagement fluctuates, and a whole lot of things can negatively impact performance.
For those hard-to-crack cases, you can reach our expert support team. They’ve got years of email experience, are familiar with our tools (of course), and can help you solve those extra mysterious mysteries.
When you need real investigative power, our tools and your data combine to create an unstoppable, email optimizing partnership.
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