Email Performance Red Flags: High Unsubscribe Rate

We know spam complaints are a visceral reaction from people who don’t want to receive email from you. What’s a much less damaging but equally clear indicator your email isn’t impressing people? High unsubscribe rates.
5 Ways to Segment Email for Better Performance

Long gone [should be] the days of sending bulk email willy-nilly. With so many best practices and algorithms determining inbox placement, sending one version of an email to one gigantic list is typically not the right move. Instead, email marketers should segment email. There are a bunch of different ways you can segment your mail, […]
Email Performance Red Flags: Spam Complaints

Welcome to a new SocketLabs series: Email Performance Red Flags! Now, we’re all familiar with “red flags,” where there is a behavior or sign something isn’t quite right. Some of us are better at spotting them than others, but when it comes to email, getting skilled at identifying red flags is an important key to […]
Your Guide to Spring Email Cleaning 2024

The first quarter of the year is in the books. How are things going with your email marketing? If you’re feeling like they could be better, it’s not too late to put 2024 on the right track with a little spring email cleaning. Clean your [email] house today using this guide to set yourself up […]
Next Sender, Please: Queue Architecture and Traffic Shaping

First things first, we want to set the scene: Today’s email environment is now shaped by the new sets of rules outlined and enforced by two major mailbox providers, Google and Yahoo. Here’s a quick run-down of those guidelines, which were implemented in February in large part to reduce the amount of spam sent to […]
Webinar Highlights: Google & Yahoo Talk Email Marketing in 2024

Last week, we hosted an interactive discussion featuring representatives from the product teams of Google and Yahoo!, who have recently released a new set of requirements that applies to all senders who are looking to have their emails delivered to the inboxes of recipients at these providers. The goal of this session was to move […]
Hold, Please: Deferred Bounces

We’re well past the deadline for adhering to bulk sender requirements set by both Google and Yahoo, and surprise, the email world is still spinning. That’s not to say there hasn’t been any impact on delivery for those who are not fully in compliance with their rules, though. For now, Google and Yahoo are simply […]
How to Check Your Domain Reputation with Google Postmaster Tools

Learn how to use Google Postmaster Tools to check your domain reputation and other valuable email metrics to help stay on top of your email and improve your deliverability
Your Audience and Your Email Performance: The Musical

No pressure or anything, but your email program is a very public performance, and the joy and rapture of your audience is entirely in your hands. The content is your song and dance, and the inbox is your stage. Can you feel the heat of the lights?! Seriously, though, email really isn’t even a “thing” […]