Re-engage Before you Disengage!

Just a couple weeks ago we published a blog about a somewhat depressing topic: sunsetting or deleting addresses from your list due to inactivity. Now, we know no one wants to make a list smaller, so to help you avoid needing to make major cuts, we’re back to talk about re-engagement!  We’ll explore what re-engagement […]

Improve Your Deliverability with a Sunsetting Policy

One of the biggest factors in your deliverability is how people react to your mail. If you’re not getting enough positive engagement, the lack of engagement can cause damage to your ability to be delivered to inboxes.  Let’s look at a smart and simple way to reduce deliverability risks: creating and using a good email […]

Email Performance Red Flags: Low Open Rates 

email performance red flags low open rates

Hello again! Happy to see you here for our series, Email Performance Red Flags.  Last time, we discussed how unsubscribes impact email performance with industry experts Desislava Zhivkova, Skyler Holobach, and Autumn Tyr-Salvia. Is a high unsub rate an issue? Is it more worrisome than people marking your emails as spam? What do you do […]

Using NEW Tags and Metadata in SocketLabs

tags and metadata

Oops, we did it again. We made our SocketLabs Spotlight email analytics even more capable of providing deeply nuanced, filtered, and meaningful reports to improve your performance by building in tags and metadata!  SocketLabs customers (whether or not they send email via our platform or simply use Spotlight Analytics) now have the ability to slice […]

First-party Email Data is the Future of Deliverability

first-party data

Deliverability is an essential part of email success. After all, you can’t connect with your email audience if they’re not seeing your emails in their inbox. What kind of email data are you mostly relying on to help you understand your email performance: first-party or third-party data? If you’re using some of the most popular […]

Email Performance Red Flags: High Unsubscribe Rate 

We know spam complaints are a visceral reaction from people who don’t want to receive email from you. What’s a much less damaging but equally clear indicator your email isn’t impressing people? High unsubscribe rates. 

5 Ways to Segment Email for Better Performance

Long gone [should be] the days of sending bulk email willy-nilly. With so many best practices and algorithms determining inbox placement, sending one version of an email to one gigantic list is typically not the right move. Instead, email marketers should segment email.  There are a bunch of different ways you can segment your mail, […]

Email Performance Red Flags: Spam Complaints

Welcome to a new SocketLabs series: Email Performance Red Flags!  Now, we’re all familiar with “red flags,” where there is a behavior or sign something isn’t quite right. Some of us are better at spotting them than others, but when it comes to email, getting skilled at identifying red flags is an important key to […]