Migrate, Not Migraine: A Survival Guide for ESP Migration

Even the simple thought of migration can stress you out. I know that all too well; I’ve done a large-scale infrastructure migration myself. Hopefully in reading this, you can learn from my successes, mistakes, and omg-where-is-my-desk-Advil moments to reduce your own number of headaches. Email migration, done thoughtfully, doesn’t have to be a struggle There […]
How to Conduct an Email Customer Vetting with Example Questions

It can only take one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch (of sending IPs). So, email service providers (ESPs) enact an entire process to research new customers in an to attempt to weed out the bad actors (worms) before they’re able to send their first email. Without proper vetting, spammers and fraudsters can wreak […]
Moving On: Your Essential Email Delivery Migration Guide

Today you’re gonna learn how an email vendor migration is a lot like moving to a new home—including the reasons for moving, as well as the pains and frustrations that come along with it. In this article, we’ll help you understand the benefits of email migration from one email delivery vendor to another. We’ll also […]
Finding Context: Send Email the Smart Way With SocketLabs’ Managed Email Delivery Services

In over your head managing your email program? Get professional expertise and strategic guidance with SocketLabs Concierge Email Delivery Solution.
Introducing SocketLabs Concierge

The SocketLabs Concierge Package makes email at scale easy with personalized expertise and intelligent reporting focused around your unique needs.
Why We Partnered with SocketLabs

Hear from CTO of SignUp.com, Patrick Dyson, speak on his experience switching to SocketLabs….
SparkPost to SocketLabs: Your Guide to Easy Migration

SocketLabs makes an easy SparkPost alternative for those looking to get more from their email service provider…
Easy Mailjet Alternative: SocketLabs Getting Started Guide

If you are looking for a Mailjet alternative after their recent acquisition by Mailgun, SocketLabs makes it easy to get up and running…
SendGrid Migration Guide: Finding New Value With SocketLabs

Looking for a new email service provider? This SendGrid Migration Guide makes it easy for unhappy customers find new value with SocketLabs…