Building Trust: SocketLabs’ Business Security Pyramid

When I started thinking about this post, my initial thought was discussing trust as the foundation to our security success, building on our CEO Tim Moore’s post. Taking a step back, I realized the opposite was true – a lack of trust is our true foundation, because trust is only earned through holistic security culture […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Tam Bond, Dotdigital

Please welcome Tam Bond! Tam Bond (she/they) is Dotdigital’s Head of Messaging Operations with over a decade of experience in email and SMS delivery and deliverability. They passionately evangelize a holistic and data driven approach, and champion cross-discipline collaboration both within her team of engineering and deliverability specialists and over the wider messaging ecosystem.  Tam […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Seth Charles, Iterable

Please welcome Seth Charles! Seth Charles has been in email marketing, deliverability, and messaging systems for thirteen years and currently works as Senior Director, Delivery Operations at Iterable. He loves this field and has made some lifelong friends along the way. Seth is proud of the work he helped complete and looks forward to continuing […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Jaina Mistry, Litmus

Please welcome Jaina Mistry! In her role as Director, Content and Email Marketing for Litmus, Jaina Mistry leads a team of fun-loving email and content marketers who strive to create captivating and educational content for email marketers of all stripes. An #emailgeek to her core, Jaina’s worked in and around email for over 15 years […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Tim Moore, SocketLabs

Email in 2025 contributor card highlighting SocketLabs CEO Tim Moore

Please welcome our own SocketLabs CEO, Tim Moore! Tim is a self-proclaimed email nerd with 16+ years of email experience spanning across deliverability, anti-phishing, marketing automation at scale, and email analytics. His experiences at industry leading companies (Return Path, 250ok, Oracle Marketing Cloud, and Valimail) have led him to SocketLabs where the mission is to […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Bob Sybydlo, ENVERTAdigital

Please welcome Bob Sybydlo! Bob Sybydlo is a seasoned marketer with more than 15 years of experience, specializing in digital marketing strategies, business growth, and deliverability thought leadership at ENVERTAdigital. He excels in navigating the dynamic digital landscape, utilizing business intelligence tools to drive success. As a respected leader, he has achieved notable results in […]

Email in 2025 Featuring Jordie van Rijn, Email Vendor Selection

Email in 2025 guest contributor card highlighting Jordie Van Rijn from

Please welcome Jordie van Rijn! Jordie van Rijn is email marketing consultant at emailmonday and founder of Marketers may have a few less-than-sunny days in their future if Jordie has anything to say about it, but it seems smart marketers have a chance at seeing a rainbow on the horizon if they keep their […]

How to Conduct an Email Customer Vetting with Example Questions

How to conduct high-volume email customer vetting (with example questionnaire included!)

It can only take one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch (of sending IPs). So, email service providers (ESPs) enact an entire process to research new customers in an to attempt to weed out the bad actors (worms) before they’re able to send their first email. Without proper vetting, spammers and fraudsters can wreak […]

10 Ways the Wrong Email Infrastructure Impacts Your Business

Though this may come as a surprise to some end users, people in the complex email community like email service providers (ESPs) or multi-domain senders know omnichannel marketing platforms leverage several different vendors to fulfill the technical email sending process.    What is perhaps a surprise to some is not all vendors are the same, […]