Announcing Hurricane MTA Server Version 2.0

Hurricane MTA Server Version 2.0

Today we are pleased to announce version 2.0 of our industry leading Hurricane MTA Server.  Hurricane MTA Server 2.0 is the next evolution of our high performance, high deliverability MTA.

Under the Hood

Running our own cloud SMTP service, which we built on top of Hurricane MTA Server, has given us the opportunity to sit in the driver seat, and push the MTA to new limits.  Over the past two years, sending millions of messages for thousands of customers, has given us great insight into system bottlenecks and opportunities to improve performance.  Like the engine of a luxury sports car we spent considerable time and resources fine tuning the underlying Hurricane MTA Server engine.

Starting out, Hurricane MTA Server 2.0 has been upgraded to the .Net 4.0 framework, which has enabled us to do things such as use enhanced asynchronous patterns that reduce memory consumption and increase I/O performance.  We take further advantage of the optimized threading and locking architecture in 4.0 that results in additional performance gains.  Our customers get the benefit of writing server plug-ins that take advantage of many of the efficiency gains provided in the 4.0 framework making integration tighter and high performing. We estimate up to a 30% increase in overall performance from the upgrade to .Net 4.0.

New HTTP/S Message and Event Engines

The new HTTP/S Message Engine in Hurricane MTA Server is a powerful new way to queue and deliver any HTTP/S POST or GET message.  Fast becoming the preferred communication protocol for cloud-based services, Hurricane’s Event Engine is the first of its kind to provide a reliable, scalable delivery mechanism for high volume HTTP/S POST or GET messages.  Similar to SMTP messages, the HTTP/S Message Engine can accept, queue and deliver HTTP/S messages and re-queue any message that isn’t accepted on first attempt. Re-queued messages are then retried on a specified schedule, for instance every 2 hours for 2 days.  No longer do you need to build this level of scalability and redundancy to your applications which may be communicating with multiple cloud-based services.

In addition, the HTTP/S Event Engine can be configured within Hurricane MTA Server to send HTTP/S POST event messages for Sent, Failed, Bounced and Feedback Loops to any application.  Hurricane MTA Server is the first in the industry to enable message notifications for sent, failed, bounced and feedback loops to any URL of your choice without having to write a line of plug-in code or scrape information from log files.  The HTTP/S Event Engine can communicate with any HTTP/S server, written in any language, on any OS. Application integration has just become even simpler with the addition of events via the HTTP/S Event Engine.

There are so many terrific new features within Hurricane MTA Server Version 2.0 that we will be highlighting them individually throughout the coming weeks.  Here is a list of additional features you will find in Hurricane MTA Server 2.0:

  • Automated Log and Database Purging
  • Amazon CloudWatch Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • View The Contents of a Message in Queue
  • Multi-sign Messages with DKIM
  • Disabling Returnpath Encoding for Specific Domains
  • Multiple Bounce Domains for a Single Account
  • Customized Bounce Domain for Each Message
  • Fail Messages with Specific MailingIDs
  • Domain Redirection

Hurricane MTA Server 2.0 is available for public beta October 2, 2012.  For more information or to talk to a sales representative about Hurricane MTA Server contact our sales department.

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