New SocketLabs On-Demand Features

I am proud to announce version 4.0 of the SocketLabs On-Demand control panel which includes exciting new features. Version 4.0 has been months in the working, and represents a complete restructuring of the underpinnings of our data systems. This update not only provides great features today, it also lays the groundwork for many new and innovative features planned for release throughout the year, and into the future.

Here is what is new today:

Multiple SMTP Servers

Now you can create multiple servers in your account. By creating additional servers you can separate mail of different priorities, classes, or organizations. Each additional server has its own dashboard, as well as its own statistics, reports and API. Additional servers can be created on any account and managed centrally.

Multiple Users

Another new feature in the control panel is the ability to create additional users. Each user has full access to the control panel and all servers on the account. Extra users are great when you need to share administration duties with others on your team.

New Notification Options

To send account related email to additional addresses, just add them to the Notifications list. The Notifications list is great for distribution lists and SMS addresses too.

Other New Features

  • Report data of virtually any size can be downloaded to CSV
  • Easier retrieval of lost login information, with only an email address required
  • SMTP credentials are now available in the control panel
  • Numerous aesthetic enhancements to the UI

Coming Soon

In addition we have a brand new API coming in the very near future which will enable complete control of these new features, such as server and user management as well as more robust statistics querying capabilities.

That’s not all

Within the next few weeks we will be transitioning onto a completely new SMTP infrastructure designed for even higher availability. We will post more about that in the coming weeks. Rest assured that we are working very hard to provide the highest deliverability, availability and service available.

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