SocketLabs’ Solution for Service Providers

It was some time ago we realized there was a major void in modern email delivery infrastructure for complex senders like email service providers (ESPs), customer data platforms (CDPs), and marketing automation platforms (MAPs). The truth is, there hasn’t been a major innovation since MTA moved from on-premises to the cloud.

Our mission at SocketLabs is to change that by simplifying and improving the way high-volume senders use email. We came to the realization that service providers, ESPs, and other multi-tenant senders were stuck using an old, two-dimensional sending framework to manage their complex, three-dimensional multi-tenant environments. So, we got to work! 

We’re building a new platform specifically for service providers that will enable them to simplify their multi-tenant environments with a solution that will: 

  • Unify all message management to a single platform that connects to your existing infrastructure to gain a more holistic view.
  • Go beyond basic data like opens, clicks, and accepted, so you can answer questions like: “what do I need to focus on?” 
  • Save time and resources by leveraging artificial intelligence trained to better identify trends across all mail streams, allowing you to automate tasks like IP warmup. 
  • Effortlessly modify, reformat, and route messages on-premises and in the cloud with infrastructure behavior that can be customized on a per-customer basis. 
  • Create logins, API keys, webhooks and custom rules on a per tenant and per sub-tenant basis. 
  • Make compliance management easier through per-tenant analytics, sender and IP level performance scoring, authentication analysis and automated pathway routing. 

If you’re as excited as we are and want to learn more, we put together some great resources for you to learn more about our service provider solution, sign up for early access, and meet the team who’s building it. You can click the link here, or click the video below.

socketlabs service provider solution

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