SocketLabs Names Tim Moore as CEO

Email Industry Veteran to Lead SocketLabs’ Expansion and Growth

ASTON, PA — November 16, 2020 — SocketLabs, the email industry pioneer in SaaS, on-premises, and hybrid infrastructure, today announced the appointment of Tim Moore as its Chief Executive Officer to lead the next phase of the organization’s evolution.

An email expert with over 15 years of experience, Moore was previously the General Manager of DMARC Monitor at Valimail. He currently contributes to the future of the email industry as part of the Messaging, Malware, and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) where he currently serves as Co-Chair of the Guides Program.

“I am thrilled to join SocketLabs at this critical juncture,” Moore explained. “The better I understood the robust platform this team has developed, and the incredible customer feedback they receive, the more I appreciated our opportunity to transform and add incredible value to the digital communication landscape. In addition to an amazingly talented team here, the reliability and versatility of the cloud and on-premises implementations really drew me in. The fact that we own and control our own infrastructure means that we can uniquely serve the needs of customers large and small, providing the right solution for the right customer. This positions us well for market disruption and innovation the industry has long been craving.”

In the next phase of SocketLabs’ strategic growth plan, Moore will build on the company’s 13-year history as an email leader to oversee three pillars for the direction of the company: 1) delivering industry leading email intelligence that will provide customers with actionable insights, 2) optimizing SocketLabs’ proprietary infrastructure, and 3) offering value-added services to help customers maximize the ROI on their email channel investment.

“One of Tim’s primary goals is transitioning our focus beyond delivering email as a utility and into providing high value-added services as a trusted advisor for our customers,” said Robert Lawrence, Managing Member of SocketLabs. “Email infrastructure is generally considered a commoditized technology that’s selected by IT Administrators. We see an opportunity to drive broader appreciation of the significant business impact the right email provider can make for all stakeholders. Email deliverability is as impactful and controllable as any of the other key metrics organizations rely upon, like conversion rate or customer acquisition cost, yet very few appreciate email’s complexity and the unique value we can provide.”

Moore’s work experience in email deliverability and security makes him especially qualified to lead the SocketLabs team. His executive trademark has been discovering new areas for company growth and product expansion. Prior to Valimail, Moore spent five years at 250ok as Senior Vice President of Customer Solutions and was the Director of Deliverability Strategies at Oracle. In addition, Moore honed his email monitoring, performance, and deliverability skills as Director of Customer Service at Message Bus, and as Manager of Certification Security and Standards at Return Path. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Management from the University of Colorado Boulder – Leeds School of Business.

“SocketLabs is a fast-moving train, and we’re not going to slow down as I board,” shared Moore. “I’m going to hop on and we’re going to move even faster.” When asked whether he had any thoughts to share with the world, Moore replied, “We already have the wheels in motion to deliver unique value beyond simply sending email. We’re looking forward to sharing our thoughts and plans over the next few months. You’ll want to stay tuned; it’s going to be quite a ride.”