Email in 2025 Featuring Louis Driving Hawk, SocketLabs

Email in 2025 contributor card highlighting Louis Driving Hawk

Please welcome Louis Driving Hawk!

Louis has a passion for helping customers improve their email program, get more mail into the inbox, and drive business results by designing complex customer journeys through meaningful segmentation. After 10 years in the industry, including brand-side experiences and several positions with industry-leading companies like SendGrid, his mission is solving customer problems through product innovation and evidence-based decision making.

Leading product innovation and growth for SocketLabs, Louis has a knack for turning email data into intelligent insight. He has a deep understanding about how email data can be used to improve performance and drive brand love with customers. He has a clear vision for how first-party data can be activated to drive success when it comes to email in 2025.

How do you see email fitting into the marketing mix in 2025?

With the emergence of modern data warehouses, composable CDPs, and new data activation companies, a single source of truth infrastructure will produce highly personalized messages through the most impactful channels in real time and/or at the best time.

What about email do you see as a nice-to-have for now, but feel will be considered table stakes by 2025?

Customer data is at the core of driving brand love, and today, the ability to activate email data to create the best possible experience seems out of reach for many companies. In 2025, it will be table stakes in their overall communications strategies as email data will be a critical subset of the overall data set used to drive a highly personalized experience.

What do you hope or wish to see change within email by 2025?

Today, email data for majority seems to be consumed, but not used to optimize engagement. By 2025, I would like to see the activation of email data to accelerate intelligent email pipelines, in addition to using email data in the overall customer engagement strategy. Email data can enrich the experience for recipients hand in hand with other channels and data sources.

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