Surviving the down Economy – Communicating with your Customers

There are many articles out there that will tell you what to do to help your business survive a down economy, but one item that seems to make most of the lists is communicating with your customers.  When starting a new marketing campaign it is import to focus on what will give you the best ROI. Most marketing professionals will tell you that e-marketing is at the top of this list.

In today’s computer age sending promotional emails that include special offers is a great way to spark some sales, keep your company’s name fresh in your customer’s mind and at the same time inform your customers of new products and services.  In addition to regular promotional mailings you should have corporate newsletters that highlight your products and services with emphasis on the benefits to customers and how you have expertise in meeting their needs. Blogs and white papers can also be used to establish credibility and build reputation as an expert in your field.

One thing you should be doing personally is sending individual e-mails to refresh old business relationships. Keep in mind that it’s not just the quantity of communication: it is the quality. Make sure you are listening to your customers and allow them to provide feedback so that you can adjust your products and services to their changing needs.

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