Our North Star: A Message from Tim Moore, CEO

our north star

“Email infrastructure has yet to be optimized.”

I introduced myself to the SocketLabs team with this bold statement during my first company meeting. No doubt a loaded statement, though it is something that I firmly believe. Not just that, I believe SocketLabs is best positioned to solve this problem; I wouldn’t have accepted this job if I didn’t.

While optimizing email infrastructure is our North Star and destination, we have a long journey until we reach that point. So, before we change the email infrastructure landscape, I wanted to share a little bit about what drew me to SocketLabs and what our customers and the email industry should look forward to.

Doubling Down on Superior Customer Service

I think it’s easy for companies to presume they provide excellent customer service, however what I see here is on a different level.  We don’t just support our customers – we know them. We understand their businesses, we know how they can maximize the value of our platform, and we take the time to build sincere relationships (yes, the ones with REAL humans!). There is no better area to double down than this. I hope that sharing our team’s journey in blogs and other content will help our customers get to know SocketLabs a bit better, too. Stay tuned for more of what’s going on down in the Labs!

Emphasis on Analytics (But Not Like Everyone Else)

One of my passions within my 15-plus years of email experience is diving deep into email data to identify ways to optimize performance. This is what separates email from other channels – the data is vast and provides valuable untapped opportunities to drive bottom-line impact. Many providers will show these data points in a variety of ways. The problem is analytics without context are nothing more than last week’s weather report. The SocketLabs approach is centered on providing identification and proactive remediation, solving your problems before they become problems. As we continue to invest in our product, delivering analytics with the proper context for each sender will be a central theme.

Leveraging Product Versatility

My first week here concluded with a two-hour, in-depth product deep dive. After being fortunate enough to get to work closely on some of the email industry’s most innovative products, I was expecting to see a powerful product; one that generally aligned with other similar products in the industry. Afterall, I knew before joining that SocketLabs was well regarded as a talented product organization. However, what I saw was something well beyond my expectations. The power, performance, and reliability we’ve become known for were absolutely there. Additionally, what I saw was the most flexible email platform I’ve witnessed. As email senders evolve and become more sophisticated with increasingly complex needs, I see many still using one-size-fits-all solutions. The team here and I share a vision that finding the exact right solution for each customer is within our reach. We’ll look forward to sharing a variety of exciting announcements in this area.

The team here is agile, talented, and hungry. When we talk about investing in the product and driving change, we don’t mean years in the future. For us, this means immediate improvements, imminent significant releases, and looming evolutionary change. The email infrastructure and delivery platform industry is one that is due for change – we plan on driving that change to deliver maximum value to our customers!

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