Email in 2025 Featuring Aubrey Miller-Schmidt, Main Street America Insurance

Please welcome Aubrey Miller-Schmidt!

Aubrey Miller-Schmidt has more than 12 years of experience in marketing and a passion for email. In her current role as Email Marketing Manager at Main Street America Insurance, she manages email marketing and communications campaigns, wrangles code for Outlook, and plans engaging customer lifecycle experiences — among other things.

Aubrey knows AI is here to stay. Rather than digging in our heels to avoid having to adapt, she is a big advocate for learning how to use the technology appropriately and, maybe more importantly, quickly. Take a little scroll down to get her full thoughts both on AI’s future and ours as a community of email folks.

How do you see email fitting into the marketing mix in 2025?

Email will continue to be a powerful channel in 2025. Consumers benefit from having relative control over this medium — like what they want to receive and when they want to read it. Companies benefit because it’s a relatively low-cost way to reach engaged audiences. I see nothing on the horizon set to disrupt that ideal exchange at this time.

What about email do you see as a nice-to-have for now, but feel will be considered table stakes by 2025?

The use of AI is coming to the email space — and frankly, to just about every tech job. I believe most companies and marketers aren’t prepared for this change. There’s ChatGPT and others out there now, but many more are being developed to write copy, code, do research, and more. While that’s a “nice to have” today, I believe learning how to harness it will (quickly) become essential to maintaining our roles as email marketing professionals, just as other revolutionary technologies did before.

What do you hope or wish to see change within email by 2025?

I hope to finally see email platforms embrace modern code standards. Imagine what cool experiences people could have if all major platforms embraced media queries, dark mode, and web fonts, for example. There’s smart, dedicated people like those who created the Email Markup Consortium who are working hard to make that a reality, and I’m hopeful they are successful.

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