Email Marketing With Newsletters

Newsletter Concept

Our SMTP relay service is 5 years old now!  Over the course of the 5 years that we have offered a hosted SMTP service we’ve been asked many times if we offered a way to send email campaigns or newsletters. To fulfill that customer need we’ve hosted a third party application and partnered with several email marketing client application providers along the way. Over time, it became apparent that there was a need in the market for a very simple solution that enables users to send a newsletter to a list of their customers. We already provide comprehensive engagement reporting so all we needed was a truly straightforward, easy-to-use system for managing email lists and sending newsletters.

Since January many of our customers have taken advantage of our Newsletter application and have seen it evolve a lot over that time. As a customer you have instant access to this simple yet powerful application when you log in to your control panel. As a small business or large enterprise you can benefit from leveraging Newsletters to communicate and engage with your customers. You don’t need to be a marketing genius to create newsletters and get the benefits of seeing which customers engaged with your content.

The Newsletters feature allows for simple list management and email campaign creation. Our users can upload existing contact lists or create a list from scratch. You can then create plain text and/or html email messages using a streamlined WYSIWIG editor, as well as adding your own HTML.  We just recently added a very easy-to-use templating system that makes creating newsletters even easier. Choose from several layout designs or paste in your own HTML for maximum flexibility.

While you are editing your email newsletter you can send test emails for proper email client rendering before you send it to your customers. Once you are satisfied with the newsletter you have created, send it to one or multiple lists with a simple mouse click! We have made it very easy for even novice users to leverage Newsletters. You also have access to full engagement tracking reports for opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, and unsubscribe requests for every newsletter you send.  Campaign summary statistics are available right on your Marketing dashboard for quick view of your campaign results or click through for detailed engagement activity.

We are excited to bring Newsletters to our customers. You will see us continue to enhance our newsletter email marketing, email newsletter strategy and our Autoresponders tools to make your marketing efforts easier and more powerful.  In the meantime, log in and check out Newsletters for yourself! If you don’t have a SocketLabs account yet, sign-up here.

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