How To Send Email From an Azure Web App

azure email

Send Email From Azure Web Apps With SocketLabs 

When you use Microsoft Azure, you’ll quickly find that Microsoft does not offer native Azure email sending services to allow sending emails from your web app with SMTP or API. In the Azure app store, you will see a number of email service providers that you can use as an add-on SMTP Service — among them is the SocketLabs email solution.  With a SocketLabs account you can easily send email from an azure web app using SMTP or API for free.  

How To Send Email Through Azure 

With an SMTP server, you can use the System.Net.Mail class to send email from your Azure Web App using the simple code below which can be copied from here.

how to send email from azure web app smtp api

How To Send Email From an Azure Web App With API

Aside form sending with SMTP, you can also use the SocketLabs Injection API.  The SocketLabs Injection API allows you to transmit messages via HTTP POST events as opposed to transmitting them via SMTP. The Injection API allows you to send messages in what we like to refer to as either Basic or Bulk style. 

The Basic style will send messages in a manner similar to any mailbox application such as Outlook. But the real benefit of the Injection API comes from the Bulk sending version. This allows you to send customizable messages to a large number of recipients. You can also take advantage of our Marketing Tools to create content, and then send a campaign using that content through the Injection API. For information, check out our knowledge base article on injecting outbound messages over SMTP. 

SocketLabs Customer Service

As always, SocketLabs is known for superior customer and technical support, as well as email deliverability consulting. If you need any help sending email from your Azure web application using SocketLabs, we have email professionals available during EST business hours ready to help. Visit our support page here to find out more.

Why Choose SocketLabs?

SocketLabs has been changing the way people create, send, and analyze their high volume email for over 12 years. The SocketLabs email infrastructure provides senders of all sizes and industries with the resources they need to maximize the success of their email campaigns. From our flexible APIs and SMTP relay service, to our email marketing center and our unrivaled support and deliverability consulting, SocketLabs is built around helping our customers hit new email milestones. We can also be found easily in the Microsoft Azure App store. To get started, create an account for online for free and begin sending emails from your Azure web app today.

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