Introducing Hurricane MTA 3.0

Introducing Hurricane MTA 3.0

Now You Can Experience Security, Speed & Enhanced Customization Options Like Never Before

SocketLabs is excited to introduce the new, updated version of our enterprise class, on-premise email delivery solution: Hurricane MTA Server 3.0.

We’ve made great improvements to the Hurricane MTA Server; such as adding cutting-edge features that will help increase security, speed up delivery and provide finer grained customization options.

Hurricane MTA 3.0 is built on our unique experience of processing billions of messages for SocketLabs On-Demand customers.

Our position in the industry gives us a unique perspective on the email delivery process from start to finish. This is because SocketLabs processes billions of messages for our SocketLabs On-Demand customers, providing us with a great deal of experience in precisely how to optimize email delivery. Hurricane MTA Server 3.0 is designed to take advantage of that knowledge to significantly enhance the performance and the deliverability of your messages.

In addition to increased efficiency, version 3 supports the use of IPV6 addresses, various SSL/TLS encryption configurations to secure mail traffic as you see fit and numerous other exciting features.

Here’s what you need to know about the Hurricane MTA Server 3.0 release.

We’ve taken performance even further.

Account and suppression list loading times have been significantly improved to reduce the Hurricane MTA Server startup time. We’ve ensured that inactive accounts cannot slow the loading of active ones. Shutting down the server is faster too. This can reduce downtime during system restarts!

Hurricane MTA Server 3.0’s optimized DKIM speeds up the sending of email. The less time a message sits in your queue, the better!

Asynchronous socket threading and memory caching have also been tweaked to use fewer system resources, improving overall email delivery performance.

Hurricane MTA Server 3.0

Your Hurricane MTA Server comes equipped with IPV6 support.

Whether you adopt it today or tomorrow, IPV6 is on its way and Hurricane MTA Server version 3 is ready with support for IPV6.

Performance meets security with customizable SSL/TLS encryption.

Assign an X.509 Certificate to your IP address today to securely encrypt mail traffic flowing through it. We support both Implicit and Explicit SSL/TLS encryption.

Implicit SSL/TLS forces all incoming clients to encrypt upon connecting to your server.

For Explicit SSL/TLS (StartTLS), you can allow clients to choose whether or not to establish an encrypted link (and which ports through which they may do so).

But we didn’t stop there.

We’ve enhanced the Hurricane MTA Server with the following changes & additions to bring you the best-in-class on-premise solution.

• Automatic reloading of rule files based on file changes
• In memory password encryption
• From address blacklisting
• Ability to dedicate an Mta to catch-all bounce & feedback loop processing
• Support for DKIM wildcard domains
• Added the ability to use wildcards in mailbox names
• URLs now included in the click tracking log file
• Ability to setup multiple relay servers using the delivery rules
• Header replacement and merging
• Forward non-machine readable emails sent to the feedback loop address
• Google feedback loop support

How to get started with Hurricane MTA Server 3.0.

Ready to upgrade?
Are you running an older version of the Hurricane MTA server but would like to learn more about upgrading to the 3.0 release? Click here to learn how.

Interested in sending emails with an on-premise email server?
With the new release of the Hurricane MTA Server, now is the perfect time to learn more about using SocketLabs’ best-in-class Hurricane MTA server. You can learn more about our available options here.

Would you like to speak with someone about the Hurricane MTA Server?
Ready to speak with a SocketLabs MTA Specialist about upgrading to version 3.0 or getting started with the Hurricane MTA Server? We’d be happy to speak with you. Just click here to contact us.

Try Our Free MTA-STS Verification Tool Today!

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